
Secure Your Peace of Mind with ARB Security

At ARB Security, we specialize in providing top-tier security solutions. From risk assessment to emergency response, our services are designed to ensure your safety and security at every level

  • Protection & Physical Security
  • CCTV Systems
  • GPS Systems
  • Risk Assessement
  • Security & Escorting Values
  • Alarm Systems
  • VIP Security
  • Support In Security Field
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Logistic Support
ARB Security offers a wide range of logistical support. With a large number of vehicles 79 including armored vehicles, patrol vehicles and motorcycles. Equipped with modern communication technology and special equipment such as Bulletproof Vest, Bodyguard Spray, Gas Mask, Electric Defensive Equipment, Metal/Explosive detectors. We make sure to assist you in any circumstance.
More than 700 employees specialized in the field of physical security and facilities
More than 80% of Managerial Staff have a wide and valuable experience in security field. They have been graduated in Military or Police Academy and have many National and International trainings related to military, police, security and academic field. They come to ARB Security after many years of experience at high structures of State Police, Albanian Military and Academic field.
We provide 24/7 comprehensive security assistance to all our customers
ARB Security has a professional operating center which operates 24/7 per week. In this center is collected and analyzed all the information that comes from the field in digital electronic and wave ways and depending on the situations, technical, operational and operational measures are taken to resolve the situations.
Certified with the best standards in the field of security
International Code of Conduct Association For Private Security Service Providers Certified with the best standarts in the security field
EN-ISO 9001:2015 - For Quality Management System
EN-ISO 14001:2015 - For Environmental Management System
ISO 45001:2018 - For Occupational Health and Safety Management System

What Client’s Say About Us

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